Since July 1, 2021, there have been a number of major changes
Since July 1, 2021, there have been a number of major changes:According to Ma, T, every child + Bhupi is to be educated when the school assumes the original Kan Ban Care in the process of observing the teaching process, measuring the potential of the students and the students.
To help the teacher understand the difficulties, this can also help the various taluka, district, rank or national level officials involved in education to implement the monitoring. Ja-based assessment is inextricably linked with Gigat at all levels. Paper pencil tests are the most common choice for listening to values on a large set in a wide range of proportions from school to school to nation level. Which is the personality of the child!
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That the quality of education he received. The position of quality of education in school, taluka district etc. cannot paint a picture. Most importantly, centralized values will be helpful for ear and school-based assessment or for different consumers to use at different levels.