Government of Gujarat Finance Department Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. Circular No: BNK - 102021 - Dir (IF) -1 - N Dated. 2.0 APR 2021 Read: (1) Proposal of State Level Bankers' Committee dated 15.04.2021 With a view to containing COVID - 19 cases in the State of Gujarat, Heads of major PSBS & Private sector banks, Regional Director of RBI, Ahmedabad, Convener, SLBC, Gujarat etc. held a meeting to have an assessment and course of action to be taken with regards to banking activities. Based on the outcome of the meeting, the SLBC has recommended certain steps vide letter referred above.
The state government has considered the said recommendations and as a measure to contain the spread of COVID 19, it is hereby decided from 21.04.2021 to 30.04.2021 as under:
1. Banking business for customers shall be undertaken from 10.00 am to 2: 00 pm
2. Bank branches and its offices shall provide only essential services to customers and preference shall be given to Sr. Citizens. The essential services will include cash deposit, cash withdrawal, RTGS & Remittances including Clearing etc. Any call given by the government shall be given priority.

3. Staff strength in branches / administrative offices shall be curtailed by 50% by adopting alternate days working / work from home etc. to minimize the risk of spread of pandemic. Banks shall ensure adequate cash in ATMs and encourage the customers to use Digital Payments modes. In addition to the above, guidelines relating to COVID - 19 Pandemic issued by the Government of India, Government of Gujarat and all other local competent Authorities shall also be strictly adhered to and Covid Appropriate Behavior to be Strictly observed by all concerned. This issues with the approval of the competent authority on note dated 20.04.2021 on even number file of this Department.
2. Bank branches and its offices shall provide only essential services to customers and preference shall be given to Sr. Citizens. The essential services will include cash deposit, cash withdrawal, RTGS & Remittances including Clearing etc. Any call given by the government shall be given priority.

3. Staff strength in branches / administrative offices shall be curtailed by 50% by adopting alternate days working / work from home etc. to minimize the risk of spread of pandemic. Banks shall ensure adequate cash in ATMs and encourage the customers to use Digital Payments modes. In addition to the above, guidelines relating to COVID - 19 Pandemic issued by the Government of India, Government of Gujarat and all other local competent Authorities shall also be strictly adhered to and Covid Appropriate Behavior to be Strictly observed by all concerned. This issues with the approval of the competent authority on note dated 20.04.2021 on even number file of this Department.
By order and in the name of Governor of Gujarat, Dilip Thaker) Director (Institutional Finance) & Deputy Secretary to Government Copy through e - mail to: - Chief Principal Secretary to Hon. Chief Minister, SS - 1, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar Personal Secretary to Hon. Deputy Chief Minister (Finance), SS - 1, Sachivalaya, G'nagar PS to Additional Chief Secretary, Home Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar PS to Additional Chief Secretary, Finance Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar PS to Additional Chief Secretary, General Admn. Department, Sachivalaya, G'nagar Secretary (Economic Affairs), Finance Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar Secretary (Expenditure), Finance Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar Director of Information (Gujarat State), Dr. Jivraj Mehta Bhavan, Gandhinagar Regional Director, Ahmedabad Region, Reserve Bank of India, Ahmedabad Convenor, State Level Bankers' Committee, Ahmedabad All Collectors and District Magistrates Branch Select File