Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) is the largest government insurance company in the country. This is almost the reason why, even today, when it comes to policy, the first thing people trust is this government company. Today we are going to tell you about the same policy of LIC, in which you can create a fund of Rs 9.60 lakh by depositing a monthly installment of only Rs 2522, even with a full guarantee of security. So let us know what is the complete information of this policy

You can also protect the family
LIC's plan is very popular. The name of this policy is Jeevan Anand Policy. What is special about it is that you can make a big fund by making a small investment in it. You can also protect your family. If something happens to you before the policy expires, your family does not need to pay the remaining installments

You can also protect the family
LIC's plan is very popular. The name of this policy is Jeevan Anand Policy. What is special about it is that you can make a big fund by making a small investment in it. You can also protect your family. If something happens to you before the policy expires, your family does not need to pay the remaining installments
This is how the fund will be
Assume if you are 35 years old and you have started this policy. You have taken this policy for 20 years with an insured amount of Rs. 5 lakhs. On this basis your installment will be Rs 30,273 per annum. If you do this monthly, your installment amount will be Rs. 2522
Other benefits available on the policy
You will get a reversal bonus in the form of 45/1000 on your total sum assured
So every year you will get Rs 22,500 as a bonus.
Bonus rates may vary.
In addition, you will also get a final additional bonus of Rs 10,000
Source ::
This way you will get Rs 9.60 lakh
For a policy of 35 years and 20 years, you have to deposit a total of 50 thousand rupees. You will get 20 installments of Rs 22,500 instead. That is, Rs. 4,50,000. Apart from that an additional benefit of 10 thousand rupees. So the total amount is Rs 4,60 lakh and along with Rs 5 lakh your capital. So the total amount you will get will be Rs 9.60 lakh
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