If you have more than one bank account, read this news carefully, otherwise there will be a big loss.If you have also opened an account in many banks without any special reason, you may come under the radar of the Income Tax Department. If you are not using an account, close it. Let us know why the Income Tax Department is looking for such accounts.
Bank account holders beware bank Do this if you have more than one account.
You could be on the radar of the Income Tax Department.The income tax department believes that many people open more than one account to launder black money. India has not yet enacted any law that can prevent a citizen from opening more than one bank account.
If you have more than one bank account, read this news carefully, otherwise there will be a big loss
            But the income tax department thinks differently. He thinks that when there are different accounts in many banks, it may be a dummy account. This account is not affiliated with any shell or fraud company and it is not helping to launder black money, all these are monitored.
The bank gives information to the income tax department
             Finance ministry officials said banks now regularly give such instructions to the income tax department. Especially if a person withdraws or deposits a large amount, the bank immediately informs the income tax department. Not only this, the information about how many accounts are on the same page number is now available with a single click.
               If a person opens an account in a different city, he comes under suspicion
Even if a person opens several bank accounts in different cities, he comes under suspicion. This problem used to exist when there was no centralized baking system. But now that this is happening, you may come under suspicion.



 If you have more than one bank account, read this news carefully, otherwise there will be a big loss
          The Income-tax department said such cases keep coming up. A man from Ghaziabad was arrested recently. He had opened more than 80 accounts in a personal bank and a government bank. In which he was laundering black money of Rs 380 crore. In addition, one person from Delhi also had more than 20 accounts. He had deposited lakhs of rupees in his account at the time of the ban.